Poem: The Magic of Life
I am posting this as a journal rather than my compilation. My dear friend and prolific poet Priya Patel posted on her Facebook and Linkedin feeds. So I had to just mimic her post to create this piece. Here you go.
I wanted to start this beautiful day by sharing a collaboration of 3 poems between Author Ashok Subramanian and myself. As always, it was spontaneous writing and we are celebrating life and knowing that each of us is exactly where we are supposed to be; living each moment with the people we love in the best way we can … Priya
Here are the poems:
Poem: All I want
The simple things I want: Cocoa, books and cuddle. My laptop and my specs. The Nobel Prize for literature, of course.
Life remains the same
Sometimes I wonder
What I am doing
Things I must do
Or things I should do
The things I have
Or the things I have not
Things I need
Or things I want
All I want are -
A cuddle
Some cocoa
All the books I can buy
A few books I shall read
And the many I shall write
For all others to read
And ah! I see that shiny thing
Nobel Prize for literature
Somewhere hidden
In my book rack!
~ Ashok Subramanian © 2023
Priya makes something out of everything. Something better and something about us. All she wants is our poetry, and forget the Prizes ( the Nobel or the Pulitzer). I gave the title…
Poem: A Few Verses Between Us
Life remains,
even as moments
gently pass us by;
moments that are dumped
away and quietly forgotten,
while others are magically
turned into spontaneous memoirs,
like the poetry we write between us
It’s easy to wander off and wonder also,
where am I, what am I doing,
or where am I supposed to be
Shannon Alder once said,
“The most confused you will ever get
is when you try to convince your heart
and spirit of something your mind
and heart knows is a lie”.
The truth is, we are where we are
supposed to be, doing what
we are supposed to be doing;
and while we may stumble
upon some rocky moments,
another more memorable one
is just a few words shy
of a poem between us
Pulitzer or not, I love waking up
to another poem to respond to.
~ Priya Patel © 2023
There is something magical about her verses that makes them about us. That is all we need — poetry between us. For me, that is the magic of my life. Our lives.
Poem: The Magic of Life
Letting go is easy
If it’s my breath
It’s not just air
But it is about hope
The moment I exhale
I hope the Universe
returns in kind
Providing me
The oxygen that I need
The act of letting go
Followed by the hope
When happens every moment
Everytime to everyone
Unnoticed by the living
Taken often for granted
This gift of life
This gift of life
When I let go of those verses
In the hope that
You will return yours
Like how we both
Write, hope, and reply
Like breath
Like the magic of life.
~ Ashok Subramanian © 2023
Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic, and miracles.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
The discovery of purpose between us is the magic of our lives.
~Ashok Subramanian © 2023