Poem: The Final Dance ( Drowning Dreams)
I wrote this poem while listening to this medley. Play this while you read this poem. I had the additional inspiration of ‘Drowning’ by Priya Patel for company, so it was a triple treat for me. Here is the piece ‘Love Story’ by Lola Astanova and Hauser. Like their duet, our poems stand contrasting yet combining.
Poem: Drowning Dreams
My love,
I gave you a river
for which to float your dreams
but you chose
to immerse yourself instead
In my search for you
I found your lost hopes
swimming with leaves;
some green some red,
so very much still alive
And you? Where are you?
I can hear you drowning
arms flailing
currents raging
water rising
Can you feel me?
Open your eyes and reach for me
The river is now calm
I am floating here
alongside your hopes
and all our dreams
All is not lost
just reach for me and
let’s start all over again~ ©️ Priya Patel Oct 6 🕉
Priya’s poetry is soaked in melancholy like even rivers become tears. So a bit of music and visuals were needed. She brought in her best package, Prashant Verma’s photography with her deep verse.
Poem: The Final Dance
I drowned in your verses
you gave me a river
that flowed through my eyes
as if I stored an ocean in my heart.I floated in my ocean
Like a colorful autumn leaf
I blushed orange and red
A final downward dance.I thought you were there
somewhere to catch me
In my dancing act
But I landed softly, alone.Is that how lost love feels
That final lonely dance
A blissful journey, my dear
To my forever home.-Ashok Subramanian © 2023
Are you in love and feeling sad? If your teary eyes have reached here and are blurry, then sorry. But that is what art is all about. It makes us feel.
~Ashok Subramanian © 2023