Poem: The Earshot
On July 13th, 2024, former President Trump was shot by a 20-year-old. Without taking sides, it reflects the lengths of the political violence and depths of hatred for people across the aisle. A satirical poem ensues.
Poem: The Earshot
Just out of earshot —
Perched on a rooftop
But under the noses
Of the counter sniper’s rifles
A twenty-year-old waits …Within the earshot —
Somebody shouts
‘Shooter on the roof’Then —
Like the snaps of a finger
Bullets fly past
One grazing the ear —
Call it the ‘earshot’
Like a pinch, it feels
Ducking instinctively
An involuntary actBleeding in the ‘shot ear’
Shaken, but not stirred
A defiant eyeshot towards
The camera’s eye —
Pumping fist, thrice
‘Fight, fight, fight’, we hear …Now, the ‘bullseye’ comment
Shooting off the mouth
It comes back to bite
As if shot in the foot
Now the election looks like a far-shot
All that remains —
A shot twenty-year-old
And a shot ear, bleeding.~Ashok Subramanian © 2024