Poem: Sunset in the Eastern Sky
My next poetry collection is under this title — ‘Sunset in the Eastern Sky’ — an alternate perspective that shows us the magic of life, which we would miss otherwise. This will be the fifth in the Poetarrati Series. ( the 4th one is called River’s Heaven).
More on the profundity of this title in the journey. Till then, enjoy this poem.
Just as the tired sun-set
An accidental turn of my head
Away from the Western canvas
Splashed with myriad colorsI saw this magic in the eastern sky
That no poet has ever written about
Wasn’t I told to look at the west
To focus on the colorful sunsetA black blanket of cool comfort
Studded with diamond jewels
A sparkling array of glittering stars
A moody white orb with facial scarsA ringside view of the universe
A peek into the portal of infinity
A glimpse of the celestial party
While lying on the velvet earthThe unveiling of a billion-star hotel
Nothing short of a miracle
If we see with a different eye
The sunset in the eastern sky.~Ashok Subramanian © 2023