Poem: Summer Night Rain
It is 1 am, as I walk to the balcony. The long weekend is over… but June means pre-monsoon or late summer rains. I am not surprised by them anymore.
Poem: Summer Night Rain
The first hour of the day, just after midnight
Sleep and snore during the silent, small hour
A wandering soul walks to the balcony
Whirling winds invisible against the anemic skyHowling like wolves, for there is no moon above
Dark silhouettes of trees dancing like demons
Nestlings in deep slumber, dancing trees rock
Little flowers fold in, fearing the frenzied furyDrumrolls and fireworks — celestial celebrations must be
Just that party place happens to be above my head
This somnambulist becomes the uninspiring witness
Blank-minded between a sleepwalking and a nightmare.Angry warm arrows hit me thick and fast
The balcony garden takes a warm night’s bath
Summer rains don’t surprise me anymore
More unpredictable are the matters of my heart.~Ashok Subramanian © 2024