Poem: Revolving Doors
3rd November. Some doors opened and then, I got a closure. Then, it shut. And another door opened. Life… you know…
Poem: Revolving Doors
I wish certain doors remained shut
Yet, some doors open …
Only to show me the mirror
And tell a tale of yearnings
Those moments of possibilities
and missed opportunitiesWhile the hearts were screaming
( the door was wide open)
Our lips were silent and sealed
(Oh, the other door was shut)Today our hearts are silent
(this door is long shut)
and our lips speak…
(the other door opens briefly)But…
we talk about what could have…
and what if we had…
yet, both doors were never open
at the same time
when they should haveI did not know till then
we were not meant to be
Because …
between us life has been…
A revolving door.~Ashok Subramanian © 2024