Poem: Natural Things
Natural things or contrived calmness? A free-flowing river or a manmade dam that holds calm, deep water, perhaps with undercurrents.
Poem: Natural Things
Stillness is a burden, almost impossible to carry
Silence another, the pressure of uttering a single word
The wandering thoughts, cackle, and canter –
Like angry geese unleashed… hungry and angry
Slowing down is antithetical — but that is the goal
Slow and then still, then just being and letting things be
A word could have been spoken but wasn’t
Under the calm and still surface, violent undercurrents
Yet that smile on that face belies what’s beneath
Curtains concealing compulsions and convulsions
A dam wall holding off the silent, deep waters
Peace reigns, and even life thrives –
Dams, artificial and impeding the natural flow
Oh, the manmade miracle is an engineering feat
Like those rules that stand the test of time
Those smiling faces, holding silence and still
Then saying ‘I am that way, and I am ok’
The question remains –
Between nature and contrived calmness
What would you choose?
~Ashok Subramanian © 2024