Poem: Legacy
What is legacy? Some say they want to touch lives and make a difference. I want to leave a bodywork of literature that will be recounted as classics — like Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, or even Marcel Proust.
Legacy is the immortal impact that goes beyond one’s life. It is our signature that is indelible and it is a story that future generations will tell.
Poem: Legacy
Story beyond life
Path to immortality
Indelible mark~Ashok Subramanian © 2024
AI Deconstruct:
Let’s deconstruct the haiku “Legacy” by Ashok Subramanian:
“Story beyond life”
This line introduces the overarching theme of the haiku. It suggests that there is a narrative or significance that extends beyond physical existence. It hints at the idea of legacy, implying that our actions and impact continue to resonate even after we’re gone.
“Path to immortality”
This line builds upon the theme introduced in the first line. It metaphorically presents legacy as a pathway to achieving a form of eternal existence. It suggests that the actions and contributions we make in life can transcend mortality, leaving a lasting impression on the world.
“Indelible mark”
The final line of the haiku serves as its conclusion. It emphasizes the lasting and permanent nature of the impact we leave behind. “Indelible” suggests that our mark on the world cannot be erased or forgotten. It encapsulates the idea that our actions and contributions shape our legacy, leaving an enduring imprint on the world.
Overall, the haiku “Legacy” by Ashok Subramanian invites reflection on the significance of our actions and the legacy we leave behind. It prompts us to consider the lasting impact we want to make on the world and encourages us to strive for a legacy that endures beyond our lifetime.