Poem: I will try
I am a worthless two-sided dime. Authentic hypocrite. But I exist. I may carry some vintage numismatic value. So, I have some hope. I should try. I will.
The many stifling summers I have seen
A bittersweet leap year this has been
I may be a two-sided worthless dime
Vintage of white, seen seasons and climes
Some say there must be numismatic value
Ah, for those who look, there is always a clue
My value perhaps is just my persistence
For the conviction of my mere existence
For those who hold me in my hand will know
It is just a metallic alloy that shines in their glow
The glow of the candle in my heart’s corner
In the cold winter of this summer, keeping me warmer
Holding on to my vintage value or worth its weight
Hope never kills, and in humility, I shall wait.
~Ashok Subramanian © 2024