Poem: Dear Bullet and Bomb
I wrote this poem as an act of desperation. People won’t listen. Can we talk to those bullets and bombs — even if it does not make sense? Somehow, can they remain in their sheaths?
Dear Bullet and Bomb,
I have finally come to speak to you.
For those who made you won’t listen.
Those who will fire you also won’t listen.
You are alive, till you will be fired.
When you are fired, you will die
When you die, you will also kill.
That is why I want to talk to you.
When you are alive and safe
New and shiny in your sheaths.
When you are alive and well
We are, most probably, too.
There was only one reason you were made.
Or probably two.
We were the first reason –
You will kill us when you die.
But, the second reason…
Your parents — the ones who made you
Your shiny coats reflect their greed.
If not for their greed
you were of no need.
But… here you are, here we are.
When we meet, it won’t be nice.
It would be all fire and flesh.
It will be all blast and bones.
And we both…will die.
If you can read this…
Dear Bullet and Bomb
You can also, probably think.
Consider being the shiny thing you are
And how alive we are today.
Smiling, innocent little beings
Running around in our daily lives
Writing poetry and solving mathematics
Cribbing to go to school and
Playing under the blue skies.
Probably, reading about you
In our crumbled handed-down text books.
Chasing butterflies or building unicorns.
But, we are alive — smiling and snickering.
So are you, dear Bullet and Bomb
Alive and quiet, in your sheaths.
Till somebody opens them
Remember that day –
For which we fervently pray
Shall never, never come.
Your silence today is our safety
Your violence tomorrow is our end.
So, my dear Bullet and Bomb
I have finally come to speak to you.
For those who made you won’t listen.
Those who will fire you also won’t listen.
~Ashok Subramanian © 2023
#weapons #massdestruction #war #violence #humanity #lives #children #childsafety