Poem: Days of My Life

Ashok Subramanian
1 min readJun 24, 2024


A quiet Monday morning invites a simple contemplation — a full week ahead brimming with possibilities. I turn 50 this week. But for me, it is just another day of life.


Build on — brick by brick
For you are the architect and
Mason of your life
Walls and roofs,
A small backyard
Life is all set —
Let love seep and flow in
Call the house a home.

Somewhere along the way
The wanderlust kicks in
The allure of the azure above
Perhaps try to fly in the sky

Another day —
Just curling up like the cat
Snoozing and reading
While away a day

Another day —
Just pen my thoughts and dreams
A literary odyssey in the making
Reality bites like the bank balance

In all —
An enigmatic journey
With its twists and turns
I smile at my reflection
It just smiles back

I may never understand
That life sometimes is —
Just about living.
~Ashok Subramanian © 2024



Ashok Subramanian

A poetic mind. Imagines characters, plots. Loves Philosophy, Literature and Science. Poetry-Short Stories-Novels- Poetry Reviews-Book Reviews