Ashok SubramanianPoem: A fish in a stream ( A fish in a dream)‘A fish’s dream’ is the title close to my heart. Sarah Polyakov’s art is ever-expansive, and this abstract artwork titled ‘Fish in the…Dec 17, 2023Dec 17, 2023
Ashok SubramanianPoem: Pygmalion’s BrushThere is the ‘Pygmalion’ mythology and the masterpiece of the same name by the venerable George Bernard Shaw. The entire hullabaloo is…Oct 14, 2023Oct 14, 2023
Ashok SubramanianPoem: The Eternal Love of AlcyoneAnother poem about Alcyone was inspired by another artwork. This is the second artwork, distinct and splendid, of Alcyone from Sarah…May 26, 2022May 26, 2022
Ashok SubramanianPoem: The Deer Goddess (Artemis)“The first person you fall in love withAug 7, 2022Aug 7, 2022
Ashok SubramanianPoem: Journey of the ‘Alcyone’I wrote this poem, inspired by Sarah Polyakov’s Multimedia Art. Her words ‘“Alcyone” (Sarah Polyakov- 2022 — Multimedia).May 19, 2022May 19, 2022
Ashok SubramanianPoem: MaiaSarah Polyakov, the artist, writes: Maia is one of the Seven Sisters in the Pleiades Star Chain. Mysterious and beautiful; she is the…Jun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022
Ashok SubramanianPoem: There is a storm comin’ inWho would have expected that Sarah Polyakov would bring out wonderful digital artwork, and throw up a challenge like this? Here is her…Sep 10, 2022Sep 10, 2022
Ashok SubramanianPoem: Is freedom not beautiful?Caution: This is LONG form poetry.Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
Ashok SubramanianPoem: A Poet’s Delight (Love)I am seldom on social media these days. I miss great poems, but I try to catch up.Jul 16, 2023Jul 16, 2023
Ashok SubramanianPoem: The BansheeI have kept a common title of the poems that I have compiled. It was a hectic week, and the result was that I shared a delayed response to…Aug 24, 2023Aug 24, 2023